About Me

My photo
I've been a model for 18 yrs, and actor for 16, and have been on TV on various networks in SE Asia for 3 yrs. Taking into account that i took over a year off to have a baby - having 6 shows under my belt since then is no small feat.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

SCREEN Singapore Clip!

Here is a clip from Screen Singapore, in which Oli Pettigrew and I got to walk the red carpet and get interviewed by host Jason Godfrey. 

**My dress is Tatiana by POSSE and is available at Trixilini :)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Special Offer for YOU and Your Kids :)

 For all my overachieving mamas out there: WowART Learning is offering a special deal for my fans/followers with kids: - 5% off for Sept Holiday Passes upon signing up - additional ONE complementary lesson upon signing up for Regular Studio Lessons. My kids are going - are yours? Simply tell them you saw this info on my Twitter/FB/Blog and get this special deal!